This week subject fitted quite well for me, and I found it rather funny, because I started with a new painting yesterday..."HANDS".......
But, I decided to let "the hands" wait, and participate in IF instead, so I started paint a new painting as soon as I came home this evening.
Here is my entry for FEET, oil on canvas, 38 x 61 cm, just finished.
lovely painting of feet and walking around the flowers in barefeet-must be nice. great choice of colors.
Love the feet!! I can't wait till the weather warms up enough that I can get back out into the woods barefoot! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
nicely done.
Soothing texture. I could she this in a spa or place of relaxation.
Beautiful. I love the blue hues.
Enjoy the mixture of blue and sepia tones!
Great perspective, colors and composition. I like the soft touch of the flowers. Beautiful illustration.
Elin, these feet are made for dancing!
Elín this is very nice! Look like my legs thi hi hi ....
Wild child on the blue scape of earth. Love this one and happy to see that you are on the strokes again.
Is it possible that Cream is Krimo ???
Well must find m y pensils again .... ta ta to you all ......
Beautiful piece. Love the fact that it is so monochromatic. Keep it up!
This is very good indeed! Do more.
It's beautiful! Love the colours.
Teriffic painting! I love the mood created by the close up view and the blue color...makes me think of summer evenings.
Pretty feet that gives desire for following them!
Wonderfull painting! Very cute!
Good weekend
I love those soft colours and those feet are beautiful, their position is kind of inviting. Great work, as always.
Very,very nice ! Wonderful look with this mono color .
Lov color you have chose !
Nice elegant flow to this, and soothing blues, very appealing.
You asked in your comment, what is the medium I used for this theme, with this and almost everthing in my blog, it's digital, Paint Shop Pro.
Beautiful and very poetic.
It turns u a little blue, like a sunday evening.
This is so graceful! I love the vulnerable look of the sole and the tones of blue you used. This is beautiful... what color are you using for your hands painting? You really work magic with the monochromatic palette.
Beautiful! As if I did not have spring fever already-this makes me itchy to get my toes into grass!
Oh my God...This is SO beautiful...
Thank you all for all the nice comments, I really appreciate it!
Hardwax: Digital was the last thing that came to my mind!! It looked like canvas!! Very nice!!
Carla: My "hands" are blue as well, the same colour as in the feet, I use only 2 colours, Blue (azul)Goya and Titanium White.
I have also painted many more paintings using only blue colours in different shades, some of them I have published in my website, some of them I am saving for later...
Yet again, a great work of art. Well done!
Beautiful work. It has an innocence to it that is suggestive as well. A little "Eve in the garden" esque. Nice!
absolutely beautiful! your work is always sensual!!! love it!
Quite nice painting. you convey the sense of movemnt and weight very well.
This is so beautiful. I really get the sense of walking though a moonlit garden, feet in the grass, everything turned to velvet.
Lovely! Nice choice of color!
Like walking through a twilight dream. Very nice and quiet and glowing.
this is absolutely gorgeous and i love the monochromatic palette you have used here. i have been very inspired by "fairies" and other fantasy art as of late, and this definitely reminds me of a fairy walking through a gorgeous garden. i love your work!
Beautiful work!
Wow, this is beautiful. So soft and serene.
Nice painting, I like the moonlit evening lighting effect—no doubt influenced by the hour of the day you were working.
Beautiful painting. Great grasp of tones.
sweet gesture on that foot. :)
This is just flipping gorgeous! Oh my the color. . .just wonderful!
nice curves in those legs! and the blue, it's just beautiful.
fantastic work… and so fast…
Very cool and sensual and wonderful.
this is so wonderful. it makes me happy. the colors and the tone and the mood are perfect. great job.
Lovely work! I find it secretive
great use of light and shadow. the painting has a soft feel to it and I like the monocromatic look
These are lovely feet. Great monotone colors and such a soft pose. Bravo.
absolutely beautiful
Nice canvas ^^
Thank you all for your comments! And thanks again!!
I dont think I will be participating in IF this week (monster), I spent so much time looking at all the great feet on IF last week and let some other things wait instead - so now I have tons of things to do.....
It was great to see all these nice pictures and all the imagination, there is so much creativity in the world!!
Have a nice week!
Very sensual. Beautiful.
This is outstandingly good! EXCELLENT> WONDEFULLY DONE! Mary :-)
Love this piece a lot!! beautiful feet painting!! There is something poetic about it!
Such a sensual and lyrical painting, I love it, being a poet it's really easy for me to picture a poem for this piece.
The shapely buttocks of her feet
licks the soil of life
She search for love's beauty
galloping in the high atlas
of sensuality...
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